I'm starting to write my Novelette

You will most likely see me walking around in school without any company. I'm not a loner but when you are in crowd of people who keeps staring at you and inanely zooming out your small actions, you will most likely buy the idea of being alone - shunning down yourself to both positive and negative comments.

So i snatched out my phone from my pocket and the 3 yr old wallpaper greeted me: its me and my best friend, Iza. I smiled vaguely; we're totally in contrast of each other - a 3 yr friendship founded by silly laughs and countless concerts on the rooftop. Back then the world asleep was our only audience, clapping its silence of applause for our futile dreams. 

It was like that.
The world did somehow changed when it offered the reality of wanting to do something out of it. So we did. I did. My best friend was pretty much contented watching and cheering me in the sideline. Although at times - while blankly starring at her - I wondered if things went out the way we initialy wanted it to be. The only thing that clings on to me is whether i got caught up in awe I've accomplished and missed to see the big picture.

( That's some of the lines of my novelette. )

I'm sorry for my pictureless entry. *shall insert some*

Sweet :) 

This is really cute!!!

My bunso - Karissa :) I love everything about this girl.

With our school candidate  - Jake :)

It was a fun day :)


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