Flair For Life.

Waking up in the morning so excited about what lies ahead and you literally want to fly as fast as you could in your destination. Sometimes, the anxiety of not knowing whats going to happen ironically remarks your blood in adrenaline excitement. Allowing yourself to be exposed to life and all sorts of people who come  between either as friends or the opposite, finding a way to bind together people who have nothing in common but to make the best out of the given moment and  a chance to be part of something *insert profound adjective here *

This is our Foundation week at CSU Carig.


[ Sagala ]

The atmosphere is always so gay whenever I'm with a bunch of Masscom students.

 can't resist the urge to laugh - ZACHH THANKYOUUU!!!

 Zach and Rolaine  are the flaming  virus of masscom who will certainly equate a place in your heart.
I love these two.


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