
how naked could you possibly be when you open up your insides.
how fitting would it seem to pour out your sentiments before the world, out in the open to people who are too preoccupied merely trying to survive.

Most of the time, I'd rather climb on an hill - view everything above and just seat there. 
It wasn't worth my time. It's probably not worth anything, but for some cosmic reason, I just stay there a little longer until i lose track of time.

This is what I've been doing for the last month.
I cant help but to stare. Trying to negate the absence of something.
Something inside me is yearning to dig more but after some time, I came into realization that sometimes, I don't want answers. Nor am i seeking for questions. I just want to stare.

Questions. Answers. It makes me naked. Naked means being potent to rape. 
I'm not very welcoming about this. Not tonight.


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